6 Myths About Past Life Regression


Have you ever experienced a feeling so familiar that it troubles you to the point of an anxiety attack? Or even had dreams so real that you feel like you are actually in it? If you have gone through this, chances are you might have had a past life that you didn't know about. 

Many people are intrigued by the idea of reincarnation and want to get views into how their past lives have shaped them into the people they are today. This is what is called past life regression therapy. There are many misconceptions about this method of hypnotherapy, where people are skeptical about it. 

Myths About Past Life Regression 

All problems are because of mistakes from a past life

Many adversities you encounter are not necessarily from a past life. Most problems in life are because of major obstacles that you might face in the present. For example, a bad childhood or a heartbreak could shape how you look at life and behave with others. 

Every single detail will be clear

During a regression, you may not remember every detail from your past life. The memories you see are generally the most important milestones you have encountered in your present life. Although you may feel some emotions and see snippets of those memories, it typically occurs only in flashes. 

A clear objective is required to travel back in the past

It is not necessary to have a concrete reason to want to visit a past life. Sure, knowing which issue you wish to address is always good, but if there are multiple unexplained problems you want to handle, you can also get past life regression therapy. 

Only good memories will pop up

When you visit a past life, you should be prepared to see some traumatic experiences as well. By understanding these experiences, you can find a way to heal and progress and address the bothering issues. 

Past lives exist only on planet earth

Although rare, it is possible to have had a past life on another planet other than earth. This may not make logical sense, but it has happened, and you might be able to incorporate what you learned on another planet in your present life on earth. 

Going solely backward during a regression 

Past life regression can also take you forward in time to show you the consequences of your current actions. It gives you an outlook on how you can handle similar situations in the future and work on yourself. 

There are many misconceptions about past life regression therapy, and some often call it unscientific. However, the fact of the matter is that people do end up visiting their past lives, and it gives them an insight into what has shaped them in their present situation, and the fact that it is still being done proves that past life regression does help.