Baby Aarav: 10-Weeks-Old Baby Development

10 weeks old is an age for rapid growth and development. Some of the key 10 week old baby development include their newfound neck and back strength. Are you curious about how your 10 week old baby is developing? Then watch this video till the end as Dr. Nihar Parekh explains 10 week old baby activities you can look out for.

Your baby at 10-weeks will love interacting with people. They will smile and listen when you speak or sing to them, which will play a crucial role in their development. Breastfeeding and Vitamin D intake are also important for their growth. Ensure to include a few minutes of early morning exposure (07:30-08:00) in their 10 week old baby routine 3-4 times a week.

Baby Jiya: 14-Week-Old Baby Development

Your little one is making significant development as a 14 week old baby. This stage is full of exciting 14 week old developmental milestones as they watch and follow you around. In this video. Dr. Nihar Parekh discusses more signs that your baby at 14 weeks is developing well.

One of the most notable 14 week old milestones is teething. They will start putting toys and fingers into their mouths, so it's important to ensure everything is clean and safe to prevent choking. Your baby's motor skills will also develop, as they will reach out and grasp onto objects tightly.

Baby Yug: Physical Development At 6-Months-Old

A 6 month old baby will start showing exciting progress in their physical, social and cognitive abilities. They can now sit without support and will grasp tightly onto their toys. If you are seeing these 6 month old baby activities in your child, then this video by Dr. Nihar Parekh is perfect for you.

Exciting changes can be seen like playing peek-a-boo and exploring their surroundings. You can introduce simple and safe 6-month-old baby toys that promote coordination. At this stage, a 6 month old baby starts talking words, imitating the sounds they hear from you. You can encourage playtime by including simple household items to support the physical development of a 6 month old baby.

Baby Kaveer: Motor Skills Development At 12-Months

A 12 month baby is brimming with curiosity hitting key one year developmental milestones. At this age, they can stand by themselves and take 2-3 steps without support. In this video, Dr. Nihar Parekh explains baby motor skills and milestones you need to keep an eye on.

Engaging in 1 year old baby brain development activities like stacking toys and repeating words will help them refine their skills. However, managing these new skills and confidence can result in the 12-month baby being bratty. It is important to encourage them to follow instructions and practice discipline.

Baby Karthik: Gross Motor Development At 18-Months-Old

"At 18 months, your child reaches exciting milestones across various growth areas. If you're wondering about an 18-month-old baby's development, then in this video Dr. Nihar Parekh has shared a few of them.

Among the 18 month old milestones, you'll notice significant progress in both gross and fine motor development. This is also an ideal age for 18 month old baby speech development, as they become eager little chatterboxes so start a conversation with them. Giving them instructions and watching them follow, letting them sleep in their own bed, and allowing them to suck their thumb are also some of the 18 month old baby activities.